JNI Microsite Showcase
Welcome to the JNI Microsite Showcase. Microsites are a simple and effective method of collecting data – be it mailing addresses or shirt sizes.
Simply send the link to someone to fill out and JNI does the rest.
From WFH to Virtual Conference Gifting, we got it handled. Unique and clever ideas that help make a difference in these challenging business times.
Use the Get In Touch form at the end of the showcase (a JNI Microsite) and we’ll put you in touch with a JNI account manager.
Simple huh… something we could all use a little more of these days.
Scroll down or use the down arrow to check out some of the many ways to use a JNI Microsite.
Stay Safe, Stay Happy
Your work-force is now a WFH-force, use this microsite to collect home addresses to ship them something – back to work PPE, WFH products, a tasty treat.
Each JNI Microsite can be modified to fit your unique needs. Maybe you need to capture attendees information – with JNI Microsites it’s easy and 1,2 3.
We all could use a little hug now and then. A JNI Microsite is just the magic wand you need to make it happen.
From savory to sweet, your employees will love you.
The Future Looks Weird
Weird is right. At JNI, we like a little weird since it makes us even more creative. Let us help you wrap your arms around the future and understand weird.
Events Gone Virtual
Events Gone Virtual doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to engage and thank participants. Gifting Made Easy does just that – use a JNI Microsite link at the end of a webinar or presentation to track attendance and audience participation.
It’s almost like being there in person.
#JNILOVE Multi-Product
We all could use a little hug now and then. A JNI Microsite is just the magic wand you need to make it happen.
From savory to sweet, your employees will love you.
Get in touch
If you need someone on to help get in touch with your employees and customers, then it starts here. We promise we’ll get right back to you and it won’t be weird.
Thank you
One of the Jack Nadel team will reach out to you soon!